Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Ok obviously I'm biased because I love my iPhone to death.

But netbooks seem really really stupid to me. The main purpose they were made is to give ppl a lightweight device that can check email and access the internet while on the go. Sounds a lot like my iphone, but for $500 dollars more with no wireless network. No wireless network? Sounds like a big overpriced ipod touch to me.

Sure the netbooks come with more memory than my iphone would. But if you're really gonna use up all that space aren't you better off with a regular size laptop capable of other things? Netbooks have a slow(er) speed compared to other computers, some don't have a CD drive, minimal USB ports, Tiny touch pad, tiny keyboard, and most of all a tiny screen. Your gonna need more USB ports because you'll want to use a mouse, attach a printer, attach your camera, attach your mp3, and probably an external hard drive incase you run out of memory. The tiny keyboard doesn't seem practical to be used on a paper assignment, maybe for for short emails. but you can't really look at that tiny screen for hours and have to maneuver your hands like a surgeon to type on tiny keyboards.

Now for those of us who are younger want it for the DUMBEST REASON: it looks cute and it's light. Well then I guess it is the younger buyers who are keeping this category of computers alive. Because for $600-1000 I'm not looking to make a fashion statement or even get attention, I would want a practical computer that can do the things I would NEED it to do. Like read a CD, run multiple apps without having to worry about a small and very limited battery.

I know there are some people who can afford to have both a functional computer and have the money to throw away on a "fashionably tiny" netbook, well then thank you, you are helping the economy. It's your choice to spend your disposable income on whatever you want.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Morning waking up to them opposed to sleeping to them

The morning sunrise:
Waking up thought: " OMG that's so beautiful "
Sleeping thought: " OMG the sun is already out! "

The birds chirping:
Waking up thought: " That kinda sounds nice "
Sleeping thought: " Damn birds, I can't sleep with all that chirping "

The bed:
Waking up thought: "This bed is so comfortable"
Sleeping thought: "OMG feels so nice to lie down"

Feeling hungry:
Waking up: "Hmmm time for some breakfast"
Sleeping thought: "Damnit I haven't slept yet why am I hungry?"

Going on twitter:
Waking up: "Good morning world!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

After watching History Channel all day.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the US has to stop holding Israel's hand in the Middle East. By that I mean, stop sending US tax dollars to pay for their shit. By their shit I mean soldiers and weapons. I'm not opposed to the Israeli state. I oppose the US support for them. It is expensive, it is detrimental to foreign affairs in the Middle East, it breeds hatred terrorists cells use to recruit, and most of all it is none of our business. On top of that US is blind to the atrocities Israel commits. The exile of persons from the land on the basis of political affiliations. That is persecution is it not?

If we were to cut ties from Israel, the only cries that would happen would be from Jewish communities. We would have a whole demographic that has lost faith in the government. It's a loss yes. but the upside would be better relations with Middle East. Especially Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. That means less terrorists motivation, less expensive gas!, more tax money to be spent domestically.

But there is no WIN at all in keeping up our support for Israel. In my honest ugly opinion Israel is a spoiled brat of a country that won't share with it's neighbors. US gives it all the means to defend itself and basically own everyone else in the region. Where's the benefit for the US citizen? I don't see any. With ALL the money we spend on Israel we might as well claim it as the 51st state of the Union.

Monday, June 22, 2009

First !

4 in the morning June 22 2009

Hi this is my blog, it's still very empty because I'm not used to spilling my ideas out of my head. Why start a blog? I don't know I just felt like it. Well it's nice having a place to practice writing and keeping up our typing speed. I probably will forget to add to this or even forget altogether I even had one lol. At this moment hopefully I will remember to post here ever so often.

Oh and facebook note sucks.